(See related chat discussion here)
NOTE: Most are small, so doesn't need special moderator attention, just update my post when you help.
Proposed tag renames/synonyms: (old tag --> new tag)
- .net --> .net-framework (and all version variants) Done
- hd --> 720p - Changed to high-definition Done
- fullhd --> 1080p Done
- 3d --> more specific 3d tags: 3d-ready 3d-vision 3d-multimedia 3d-modeling Done
- 7zip --> 7-zip Done
- aboutconfig --> about-config Done
- adaptor --> adapter Done
- addressbook --> address-book Done
- adhoc-network --> ad-hoc-network (to match ad-hoc) Done
- admin --> administrator Done
- album-art --> album-artwork Done - but reversed.
- aliases --> alias Done
- amplifier --> amplification Done
- analytics + analyzer --> analysis Done
- appstore --> app-store Done
- apt + apt-get --> aptitude Done
- archive + archivers --> archiving Done
- automatic --> automation Done
- autostart-application --> startup Done
- avg --> avg-antivirus Done
- backups --> backup Done
- bandwith --> bandwidth Done
- benchmark --> benchmarking Done
- block --> blocking Done
- blog --> blogging Done
- book --> books Done
- bookmark --> bookmarks Done
- bootcamp --> boot-camp Done
- caching --> cache Done
- cdrom --> cd-rom Done
- cell --> cells Done
- centos5 --> centos-5 Done
- changes --> change Done
- character --> characters Done
- charge --> charging Done
- chart --> charts Done
- coding + programmers --> programming Done
- commands --> command Done
- comment --> comments Done
- compare --> comparison Done
- compose --> compositing was changed to composition Done
- config --> configuration Done
- connections --> connection Done
- contact --> contacts Done
- content --> contents Done
- convert + converter + converting --> conversion Done
- copying --> copy Done
- customize --> customization Done
- dashboards --> dashboard
- data-rescue --> data-recovery
- ddwrt --> dd-wrt Done
- debugging --> debug Done
- deletion --> delete Done
- device --> devices Done
- dialogbox --> dialog Done
- diskimage --> disk-image Done
- diskspace --> disk-space Done
- dlink + dlink-dns323 --> d-link Done
- dmg --> dmg-image Done
- document --> documents Done
- domains --> domain Done
- downloads --> download Done
- draw --> drawing Done
- drive-letters --> drive-letter Done
- dual-monitors --> dual-monitor Done
- ecommerce --> e-commerce Done
- edit --> editing Done
- e-mail --> email Done
- equation --> equations Done
- ergonomic --> ergonomics Done
- event --> events Done
- executables --> executable Done
- failed --> failure Done
- fans --> fan Done
- feeds --> feed Done
- file-copy --> file-copying Done
- filesystem --> file-systems Done
- firefox3.6 --> firefox-3.6
- floppy-disk --> floppy Done
- folders --> folder Done
- font --> fonts Done
- formating --> formatting Done
- forums --> forum Done
- frameworks --> framework Done
- frontrow-remote --> front-row-remote (to match front-row) Done
- ftp-client --> ftp Done
- functions --> function Done
- gadget --> gadgets Done
- games --> gaming Done
- googleapis --> google-apis Done
- google-sketch-up --> google-sketchup Done
- group + grouping --> groups Done
- growlnotify --> growl-notify Done
- h264 --> h.264 Done
- hacking --> hack Done
- hard-disk --> hard-drive Done
- hash --> hashing Done
- header --> headers Done
- highlight --> highlighting Done
- home-dir --> home-directory Done
- home-network --> home-networking Done
- home-page --> homepage Done
- hosted --> hosting Done
- hosts --> host + hosting + hosts-file To Be Done
- hotkey --> hotkeys Done
- error-404 --> http-status-code-404 Done
- hyperlinks --> hyperlink Done
- icon --> icons Done
- iis7 --> iis-7 Done
- image --> images Done
- indexing --> index Done
- installing --> installation
- internet-access --> internet-connection
- jumpers --> jumper Done
- kde4 --> kde-4 Done
- key-mapping --> keymap Done
- key --> keys Done
- lags --> lag Done
- library --> libraries Done
- line --> lines Done
- link + linking + linker --> links Done
- livemeeting --> live-meeting Done
- locking --> lock Done
- log + logs --> logging Done
- logon --> login Done
- logoff --> logout Done
- macbookpro --> macbook-pro Done
- macmini --> mac-mini Done
- mail --> email Done
- map + maps --> mapping Done
- media-centre --> media-center Done
- meeting --> meetings Done
- menu --> menus Done
- meta --> metadata Done
- middle-click --> middle-mouse-button Done
- migrate --> migration Done
- mime --> mime-types Done
- mirror --> mirroring Done
- movie --> movies Done
- msn + msn-messenger --> windows-live-messenger Done
- multicore --> multi-core Done
- multitouch --> multi-touch Done
- musicians --> music Done
- network-share --> network-shares Done
- newline --> newlines Done
- newsletter --> newsletters Done
- openoffice --> openoffice.org Done
- organize + organizer --> organizing Done
- overheating --> overheat Done
- package + packaging --> packages Done
- page --> pages Done
- panels --> panel Done
- paragraph --> paragraphs Done
- password --> passwords Done
- pinned --> pinning Done
- pivottable --> pivot-table Done
- playlist --> playlists Done
- plugin --> plugins Done
- podcast --> podcasts Done
- popup --> popups Done
- portforwarding --> port-forwarding Done
- power-line-networking --> power-line-networking Done
- presentation --> presentations Done
- print --> printing Done
- profiles --> profile Done
- raid1 --> raid-1 Done
- raid10 --> raid-10 Done
- raid5 --> raid-5 Done
- recover --> recovery Done
- redirect --> redirection Done
- remap --> remapping Done
- remove --> removal Done
- repeat --> repeating Done
- replace --> replacement Done
- resource --> resources Done
- restrict --> restrictions Done
- rhel --> rhel-5 Done
- rosetta --> rosetta-stone Done
- routers --> router Done
- rule --> rules Done
- running --> run Done
- safemode --> safe-mode Done
- scheduled-task --> scheduled-tasks Done
- screensharing --> screen-sharing Done
- scroll --> scrolling Done
- sector --> sectors Done
- secure-delete --> secure-erase Done
- seed --> seeding Done
- select --> selection Done
- servers --> server Done
- service --> services Done
- sharedaccess --> shared-access Done
- shortcut --> shortcuts Done
- socket --> sockets Done
- sort --> sorting Done
- sounds --> sound Done
- special-character --> special-characters Done
- style --> styles Done
- subversion --> svn Done
- synaptic --> synaptics Done
- table --> tables Done
- tag --> tags Done
- taskmanager --> task-manager Done
- task --> tasks Done
- temp --> temperature Done
- template --> templates Done
- terminalservices --> terminal-services Done
- text-editor --> text-editors Done
- thread --> threads Done
- titlebar --> title-bar Done
- tool --> tools Done
- turn-off --> shutdown Done
- undelete --> recover Done
- unlock --> unlocking Done
- update --> updates Done
- utility --> utilities Done
- variable --> variables Done
- versions --> version Done
- videochat --> video-chat Done
- videos --> video Done
- virtual-box --> virtualbox Done
- virtualhosts --> virtual-host Done
- virtual-machines --> virtual-machine Done
- vlc-media-player --> vlc Done
- warnings --> warning Done
- webhosting --> web-hosting Done
- widget --> widgets Done
- window-managers --> window-manager Done
- windows7-professional --> windows-7-professional Done
- xserver --> x-server Done
Other thing I've noted:
- File types might benefit from being merged to file-types, as the file type is listed in question/title.
To Be Dicussed - On a next iteration in the far future I'll check tags like multiple, death to the meta/part tags!
To Be Done
Some Added by Kronos:
- external-harddrive + external-hdd --> external-hard-drive Done