Following tags don't have any questions(any more), so they'll be purged automatically.
###Auto purged
Auto purged
###To burninate: (to be posted to new question)
To burninate: (to be posted to new question)
- support x18 questions as of now
- system x 105
- technology x 20
- vintage x 22
- wear x
- tips-n-tricks -- Tag could be useful
- trial -- Tag could be useful
- solidworks
(rare misspelling) -- I don't see what's wrong with this.SolidWorks is correct, renamed solid-works to this.
###Synonyms created
Synonyms created
- sensor -> sensors
- shared -> sharing
- share -> sharing
- stream -> streaming
- todo -> to-do
- tutorials->tutorial
###Retagged, but synonyms not created(lack of questions/removed manually)
Retagged, but synonyms not created(lack of questions/removed manually)
- shebang -> hashbang --- Removed manually.
- slowness -> slow -- Removed manually.
- webapp->web-app -- Removed manually
- tuner->tuner-card -- Removed manually
- tunnel->tunneling -- Removed manually
###Synonyms rejected
Synonyms rejected
- transportation->transport -- No questions, rejected
- wipe->delete -- wipe means whole disk wipe, not just plain deleted
- things->things-for-mac -- rejected, can be achieved using things + mac or osx