Here's some technical details about the colors:
Body background-color: #FFFFFF
, rgb: 255, 255, 255
Code/Blockquote background-color: #F5FDFF
, rgb: 245, 253, 255
Body background-color:
, rgb:255, 255, 255
Code/Blockquote background-color:
, rgb:245, 253, 255
It's nearly white! Color-wise, I would classify it under gray not blue. I suggest increasing the saturation (hsv) by aboutat least 8 units to #E0F9FF
, rgb: 224, 249, 255
For comparison, the background color here on Meta.SU is #EEEEEE
, rgb: 238, 238, 238
+8 saturation:
-8 value: gray!