If wife and husband hashad two separate email address each belongs to each others personal/private and both is used in Stack Exchange accounts.
In such case both becomes One was work related, the other was for personal use. For some reason, StackExchange merged those two accounts as 1 user account under Stack?one
No. This happens only if you've logged in as 'husband'the first user & add then added the 'wife's'second account's email address to the husband'sfirst account's login credentials.
Both my wife and I have our own StackExchange accounts, each registered to a different email address. Would these accounts be merged if we use the same network or computer?
Going by your logicTypically, all gmail accounts should've beenthey won't be merged into one :|unless you proceed to do the steps as mentioned above.
If so, how can we let StackExchange know that these accounts should be separate?
Don't login from two accounts at the same time.