Note: as of today (June 25th), the new close reasons are live. Moderators can edit the close reasons, although we will only do so with community input*.
The current custom off-topic reasons are:
- Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.
- Questions about software development are off-topic here, but can be asked on Stack Overflow.
- Questions about the use of web-based applications are off-topic here, but can be asked on Web Apps Stack ExchangeWeb Apps Stack Exchange.
- This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network
- Other (add a comment explaining what is wrong)
If you think we should change the wording on any of these, or think that these do not adequately cover the cases discussed in the other answers here, please leave a comment or update your existing answer to propose different reasons. We can also add new reasons as necessary.
*Unless it's April Fools Day. No promises there.