TL;DR: How to find out why an answer i wrote was deleted?

I wrote an answer to a question, got some comments and upvote and then the answer was deleted and i had no idea why. I raised a flag for moderator intervention, asked for an explanation or that the answer would be undeleted, the flag was rejected and i didn't get any explanation why the answer was deleted. Then i raised the moderator intervention flag again, asked again. This time i got a "...it didn't answer the question" answer. This is better, but i don't think this is correct.

What is the best way to find out why an answer is deleted, without raising 2 flags?

Semi Off-Topic: To be fair, my answer contained a bit of information that was not directly asked but could help the OP to avoid the same problem in the future and my answer was a bit more complicated than yes or no, even the OP asked a yes or no question, but i gave an answer. Someone in the comments said it would not answer the question, i showed him in which part i gave an answer and asked why he thinks it is not an answer, didn't get a reaction back. However, i ask this question to get a general answer, not to ask about the deletion of this specific answer.


1 Answer 1


What is the best way to find out why an answer is deleted, without raising 2 flags?

If you have enough reputation, you can politely ask a moderator, in the Ask a Super User Moderator chatroom their thoughts on the reason any contribution was removed.

How to find out why an answer i wrote was deleted?

You can ask a question on this website with enough detail for an explanation to be provided. Those users with enough reputation, to vote to remove contributions, are typically active enough, to see a question like this.

However, based on the description provided, you have not identified the answer that was deleted. So it is not possible to explain the reason the answer was deleted, if you don't specify, which answer was deleted.

If it was deleted then one of two things happened. Several community members voted to delete your answer or a moderator deleted your question. In either case the most likely reason for the deletion of the answer is the fact, the community and/or a moderator, thought the quality of the answer was low enough to warrant the removal of the answer.

To be fair, my answer contained a bit of information that was not directly asked but could help the OP to avoid the same problem in the future and my answer was a bit more complicated than yes or no, even the OP asked a yes or no question, but i gave an answer.

Based on nothing but the description you have provided, it sounds like your answer contained unnecessary commentary, I vote to remove low quality answers that contained commentary daily.

  • Should not they simply be able to see that deleted post in "recently deleted" on their account page? Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 23:50
  • Sure; I don’t have access to that information; Author could easily provide that information. I can see deleted answers.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 23:57

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