I posted a question about a problem with AWS logs.
The close reason was:
This question does not appear to be about computer software or computer hardware within the scope defined in the help center.
Why would a question about a problem with AWS RDS logs not be on topic?
So I had a question related to the Relational Database Services product of AWS. You'd think this is a hit.
If AWS logging isn't on topic for Superuser, where ARE they? It's not stack overflow, as this is not a programming question, it's infrastructure. I thought SU was for infrastructure type things. Edit: Per the well reasoned answer from Journeyman Geek, probably Devops or Server Fault, although note it's not about servers.
Then, someone moved it to SO, and then it got closed AGAIN because it's clearly off-topic for SO, as it's not a programming question. Nor would it be on topic for the DBA area; has nothing to do with SQL statements.
My question is about AWS RDS logs, and the settings for them. It met an SU tag.
Here's an SU question about AWS RDS logs. Apparently that is on topic.
how to change amazon rds mysql.slow_log table's engine to myisam
Why would there be a tag for RDS if you can't ask questions about RDS?
Yes, I know I didn't post a link to my closed question, as that's not the meta question. The meta question is, where do questions about tags go if questions clearly about those tags are promptly closed according to some arcane rule the community has that's undocumented to outsiders?
It shouldn't take hours (no joke) trying to figure out where to ask a question.