Is anything ever done when some people downvote things to make some kind of point that is unrelated to the question?
I made a comment that a question "What is a hostname" doesn't deserve 7 votes, and I downvoted it. I figured it makes sense and it's consistent with the idea of votes reflecting usefulness of the question for the community. Sometimes I see a question with 0 and I think yes it deserves 0 and I don't upvote it I don't think it deserves it. Sometimes I see a question with -1 and I think it deserves -1.. sometimes I see one with -1 and I think it doesn't deserve -1, and I upvote it to 0. I may be wrong on that method. But anyhow, I made my comment.
I then see this pattern. Clicking the vote number, it looks like one person gave one downvote to my last 3 questions as some kind of drive-by revenge!
This of course is not related to the usefulness or uselessness of the question. So I think it's clearly wrong.
Should such a thing be reported?
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