Kindly see certain answers (there may be more than this search string returns) of the following format:
We need a dump to see more. please download this reg file from my SkyDrive:
and make a double click on the file to import it. If you can't do this, run regedit.exe and import the registry file there!
When the Windows Explorer crashes, Windows Error Reporting Service creates a dmp file under C:\Localdumps. Please upload the dump file (compressed 7z or RAR to reduce the size) and I take a look at the dump with the Debugger, maybe I can see the cause.
As we all know, SU is a Q&A site, not a forum. Keeping that in mind I don't see so-called "answers" such as the one above worthy of being anything more than mere comments. If comment space is inadequate, the instructions can always be posted to pastebin and linked to. By itself a request for a dump file with a promise of further debugging does not constitute an answer.
As far as I can see, no-one has taken him up on his offer, and it's not really surprising since who wants to download and execute a file uploaded by some stranger, even a supposedly well-meaning one? (Before someone says that the REG file can be checked first, how many normal users would be able to figure out what it does?) Also, AFAIK crash dump files may contain passwords and other sensitive information that was in RAM at the time of the crash, so I don't think it's a great idea in any case to let just anyone take a look at them.
Thus when the question poster quite rightly chooses not to take up such an offer of help, the dangling "answer" is utterly useless and helps neither the OP nor any future readers who are there since they're facing the same issue. Therefore I think all such "answers" should be removed and people should be told in no uncertain terms to post these only as comments.
Not an Answer
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