Take this answer where the tag VBA
is used. The system recognizes the tag and automatically turns on syntax highlighting. So far so good.
Today I answered another question where no syntax highlighting was enabled. I tried to enable it myself with <!-- language: lang-VBA -->
. It worked.
But they seem to be different. Here's a direct comparison:
via <!-- language: lang-VBA -->
via tag VBA
My question is: What's the reason behind this? Is it intentional?
Edit as reply @Sathya
Either I'm too dumb or we have a misunderstanding here. Let's make an experiment and play around with this answer
VBA comment: First, we insert <!-- language: lang-VBA -->
and have a look at the preview after some seconds.
VB comment: Next we change <!-- language: lang-VBA -->
to <!-- language: lang-VB -->
. Wait some seconds between your actions.
VBA tag: In the last step, we remove the comment completely. Again, wait some seconds and click somewhere else
As I see it, there is no difference between applying <!-- language: lang-VBA -->
or <!-- language: lang-VB -->
. Both methods result in the same highlighting. Or am I blind?
In comparison the last try where nothing is inserted has a completely different result. That's where the tag VBA
from the question itself takes effect
. Case matters,