This question is closed because it's opinion based.
It basically asks why Ctrl + V paste is not implemented in PowerShell.
There's a comment below, "This can't really be answered by anyone except the PowerShell design team."
In my opinion, that doesn't mean a question should be closed.
For one, the PowerShell design team is also on the Internet; two, they might have written a blog post somewhere about it or put it somewhere in the specifications/RFC documentation; and three, there might be an obvious reason why it's not implemented.
I've seen many questions about why certain things are implemented in a certain way with good answers.
- Why has Microsoft never implemented a loopback interface in Windows?
- What's the point of ASCII mode in FTP?
- Why was JavaScript implemented using prototypal inheritance?
- Why is std::map implemented as a red-black tree?
- Why is 'is' implemented as 'as'?
- Why is "import" implemented this way?
Even if people add opinionated answers, then the problem are the answers, not the question.
the OP needs to be clearly asking for specific references or technical causes
. If I were to edit that into the question, would that qualify it for reopening?Stackoverflow
are different communities.