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Superuser website applications policy
I recently had a question on Superuser closed:
Those voting to close it claim that it violated a section of the Superuser FAQ. Specifically this text:
and it is not about …
* websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress
To me, that note means that questions should not be about how to use services like those mentioned. Perhaps it can be extended to mean not to ask questions about what WordPress plugin could accomplish what you need.
But what I asked is not anything like that. I am asking for a piece of software that accomplishes a specific goal. The only way it is related to that FAQ entry is that I happen to be looking for a piece of software that will traditionally run on a web server. I don't see it as any different than asking for a video editing program, or a regex checker, or a good free word processor.
I do not believe that my questions such as mine are what the SuperUser creators meant when they created that FAQ entry.
Am I misunderstanding the intention of that part of the FAQ? Is asking about software that is traditionally accessed by the end user via the HTTP protocol somehow different than asking about software that executes locally on your computer?