My question here has to do with the off-topic restrictions in Superuser. It seems that any question related to web applications is closed immediately as "off-topic." I didn't realize these were off-limits until I was directed to read the FAQ.
What is the main purpose for restricting web-application questions from superuser? I assume you could ask a question about Microsoft Word on Superuser, because it doesn't specifically disallow questions about desktop software, but what's the difference? Can I ask a question about Excel, but not Google Docs Spreadsheets? I guess the ultimate question is: what specific community is superuser targeting with these restrictions?
I asked a question about plugins for WordPress, and it was closed immediately. If I was asking about how to write a plugin for Wordpress, would that be allowed? (In that case, I'd probably ask on Stackoverflow... but anyway) Or are any questions related to Wordpress strictly off-limits?
My other qualm with these moderation trends is that you often get redirected to some external Q&A site or forum, or are told that there might be a stack exchange site coming for that topic. Personally, I'm not really interested in joining 10 different segmented communities, just to ask one computer-software related question. Moreover, the more specific and segmented the stack exchange site is, the fewer users it will have, and the usefulness goes down exponentially.
Anyway, I vote to redo the FAQ for superuser to allow a broader range of computer/software questions!