What can be done about false answers that suggest the asker to run malicious code?
I mean, like an answer that says something along these lines:
If you have administrative privileges, the offending application can be removed by first changing the parent folder's permissions. Run this command in the Terminal to gain root access to the folder that the application is in:
> sudo chmod 777 /
Don't worry about the password prompt. Just type in your password. It's just verifying that you really want to change the folder's permissions. Now you can delete the malicious application that you unintentionally installed using this command:
> sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
I hope that helps!
The answer is obviously a troll (the second command probably wouldn't even run once the first command is executed), but what if a newbie user unknowingly runs the commands, thinking that it actually does what the answerer claims it does?
The community would eventually "moderate it out," but it might be too late for the asker.
It's not just that specific answer causing problems. Answers to more complicated questions with more complicated command-line code can be quite hard for inexperienced computer users to decipher. What can be done about this?