Almost since Super User was created, there has been Meta discussion about misuse of the mac tag:
- Mac and osx tag usage on SU
- mac, osx, and osx-lion tags
- Should we do something about the [osx] / [mac] distinction?
as just a few examples. The wiki excerpt has never been adequate to prevent misuse. We now have almost 7,400 questions with the mac tag, and a random sample indicates that probably a big majority are not appropriate usage.
This one tag is on a similar scale as the manufacturer meta tags (there, roughly 60 tags accounted for about three times the quantity of questions, and people have been working through those for two years).
The only way to clean up mac will be a long-term effort by many volunteers. Before we think about doing that, though, we need to stem the tide of new incorrect usage.
Recommendation: create a new tag: apple-computer-hardware (feel free to suggest a better, non-ambiguous tag title). Then make mac a synonym of it, with the new tag as primary. Then we can pursue cleanup.
part. But yes, anything that helps is welcome, so leave it in.