Note: The question has been revised since Mokubai posted the comment below. It originally looked like all of the microsoft-dynamics tags referred just to CRM, and the question suggested synonomizing them. After the comment, additional research showed that it is a collection of different products and we have questions on three of them. The tags have been cleaned up and the question has been revised to reflect treating the products separately, with no "manufacturer tag" decorating the questions.
Microsoft Dynamics is a suite of applications (CRM, NAV, and AX, represented by questions here, as well as GP, SL, and C5 with no questions). CRM has a dedicated tag dynamics-crm (31 questions).
The microsoft-dynamics tag (originally 20 questions), is essentially a meta tag. It decorated many of the CRM questions as a redundant tag, and was used as a generic tag for other MS Dynamics apps.
I've gone ahead and created dedicated tags for NAV and AX (dynamics-nav and dynamics-ax). At this point microsoft-dynamics is only used on 11 questions, all as redundant tags for dynamics-crm.
I suggest deleting the microsoft-dynamics tag since it doesn't add value.