If you start out with a question that is related to a problem you're having, would it be better to work with that question and refine it as new information is being gained or should a new question be asked?
In particular I noticed this with the questions from a particular user over the last few days.
In my personal opinion all of the following questions are duplicates and instead of starting a new question (which is almost) the same every few days it would've been better to work by refining one and adding new information to the question. On the other hand there is also a bit of a progression visible that changes something ever so slightly but wouldn't it be a good idea in that case to actually mark them as answered?
- Setting TERM enviroment variable
- Changing terminal settings from Putty client
- Changing TERM variable and color output
- Changing terminal type and colors
- Setting terminal type in inittab file
- Setting the TERM variable
So I guess my real question is twofold. Would you consider the above questions duplicates and do you think that it's preferable to actively work with a question instead of asking a new question if yo u gain new information?
Going with Edit the question or ask a new one? it would seem that asking a new question would be a good idea - assuming it's not a duplicate.