I have noticed that Superuser inconsistently provides the summary of posts on the left has side of the question.
e.g. see the attached pic to understand my point:
First Q on the pic appears to have not been answered and no votes, also shows that this has been 'answered 4 hrs ago by ...'
Second Q on the pic show 1 answer with solid green in square background with a text "asked 5 hours ago by ..."
My issues are:
Why is the first Q not labelled that its been answered. Q1 was asked in 2011 and has got 4 answers altogether, with one of them being accepted perhaps in 2011 itself. So I expect this question to show a green square background with '4 answers' so that I do not click on this question and try to see if I can answer it
Why the statistics of how many hours before the questions has been asked / answered not consistent across the questions, sometimes it shows how many hours ago it was asked vs other times it shows how many hours ago it was answered.
I have seen both of these behaviors consistent on Stackoverflow site and am assuming that both stackoverflow and superuser are powered by the same underlying technology capabilities of the stackexchange sites.
Kindly help clarify!