I wish to offer payment for a 5 minute configuration via remote connection on my router to fix a configuration issue.
Are offers like this allowed on SuperUser?
I wish to offer payment for a 5 minute configuration via remote connection on my router to fix a configuration issue.
Are offers like this allowed on SuperUser?
Offers to pay someone to do some work have never been allowed on the Stack Exchange network:
I totally appreciate your willingness to reward people's efforts, but offers of money are extremely frowned upon on Stack Overflow for various reasons - mainly out of the fear that allowing them would introduce very harmful dynamics into the community (ie. people tearing each others' eyes out for the $$$). If you're interested in previous discussion on the subject, see e.g. here and here.
You will have to look elsewhere in this specific regard.
Source Is it alright to pay real money for useful help? [duplicate], answer by Pëkka