This has been discussed on Meta Stack Exchange: Why shouldn't I downvote spam that I've already flagged?
Bottom line: downvoting spam isn't really useful, and in some cases, downvoting spam questions can reduce their visibility on the home page if you're early with your flag and vote. In most cases, it doesn't really matter and if it gives you extra satisfaction, just do it.
Voting to delete spam is another matter, and I would not recommend doing that. The reason is that the full penalty for spam flags (-100 reputation and a reduced posting rate or even a block) is only applied when six spam flags have been cast (or a ♦ moderator casts a spam flag). If you have a post with 5 or less spam flags and 3 20k users vote to delete it, the post is deleted and locked, the flags are marked helpful but those penalties are not applied. Because the flags are removed from the ♦ flag queue, they don't know about the post and cannot apply those penalties later (unless they're notified in another way, but that rarely happens).