I appreciate your enthusiasm for supporting Super User but, unfortunately, that page looks like it's THE official Super User Facebook page. I sounds like a nice idea, but it is going to run up against our Trademark Policy (see Guidelines for the Use of the Stack Exchange Trademarks).
Perhaps it would work better if you can make a Super User fan page. But it would have to be visually clear that it is a fan page by a member of the community. You wouldn't be able to use the logo and name to brand the page, but you can use flair and smaller logos when you are referring to the site in the context of your content. The best thing to do is read the trademark guidelines.
I don't know that much about Facebook; they have fan pages and they have organization pages. I don't know how these work or how you can make it so one can distinguish between "Community pages" and "Official pages." Maybe someone here can fill in the blanks.
But the goal is to make it clear that you are a well-meaning fan and not trying to pass the site off as being THE Super User page. Let me know if you have any questions.