While looking for a way to activate an X window from the command line, I found two particularly relevant results. One on AskUbuntu and the other on SuperUser.

The answers given in both questions didn't really work for my particular use case, so I posted my own solution on both sites. According to meta stackexchange, crossposting answers shouldn't really be an issue. But I wanted to be sure it was really the case here.

Here are the corresponding links to both answers:

  • 1
    Each answer should be independent of one another. This means you should not link to answer here at Super User within an answer to a question asked on Ask Ubuntu. Additionally, you should only avoid submitting the same answer, to multiple questions within the same community multiple times.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 14:23
  • you should only avoid submitting the same answer, to multiple questions within the same community multiple times Of course ;) However: Each answer should be independent of one another. This means you should not link to answer here at Super User within an answer to a question asked on Ask Ubuntu. Could you elaborate on that part? Do you just mean each answer should be self-contained--or do you think I shouldn't mention the other website at all, even if it may provide alternate answers? Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 14:58
  • 1
    If you an answer a question here at Super User and submit an answer, it should be an answer to the question here at Super User, not a question on some other community. If you are quoting the existence of an answer written by somebody else, you should cite and quote the answer obviously, my initial suggestion was with regards to answer(s) written by the same author.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 15:55


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