I recently received this review audit: https://superuser.com/review/first-posts/1065904
The question is here: Will my computer run Windows 11?
It was obviously anonymized for the audit purposes so I did not see the current upvotes (I believe it displayed 0) nor who asked the question (just anonymous or something to that effect).
The question title is:
Will my computer run Windows 11?
The question body is:
I have a couple of very decent computers, I am wondering if they will run Windows 11, and I am trying to determine how to proceed.
I chose to flag it as needs improvement > Needs details or clarity as it seemed very vague. I have seen questions closed for less (or actually more detail, in this case).
Now looking at the question and answer, it's clear that it is intended as a catch-all page for Windows 11 compatibility. Windows 11, and whether or not certain hardware will support it, is currently a topic receiving a lot of attention and speculation, so I do think it's a good idea to have a page that provides general information on this. The answer is obviously very good and provides a good candidate to mark repeat questions on this topic as a duplicate.
One part of the audit that stood out to me was:
This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass.
I definitely was paying attention and from all of the information I had, I believe my flag made sense. Is there a way we can improve the question or is it truly a high quality question?