Tag keys seems to be in use for various things. What should be retagged?
2 Answers
"Key" seems to mean quite a few different things. Good catch, it would involve a lot of manual retagging though doesn't matter anymore though :P
Let's see:
Keyboard keys
Both the physical ones on the keyboard and the conceptual ones like hotkeys, key-combos, and keystrokes that perform functions. Mostly in combination with keyboard, keyboard-shortcut, keyboard-layout, hotkeys.
Registry key
The ones used in Windows Registry. Mostly in combination with registry.
Cryptographic keys
Encryption keys as in PGP. Mostly in combination with php or cryptography.
SSH keys generated by ssh-keygen
tool. Mostly in combination with ssh.
Database keys
Keys as used in databases. Mostly in combination with odbc, access, etc.
Serial numbers
CD keys, product keys, serial numbers, et. la. Mostly in combination with registration or activation.
Based on the 12 questions it was on, seems utterly unnecessary to me.
It is now burninated.
Huh, weren't there like over 100 questions tagged
? superuser.com/questions/tagged/keys– slhckCommented Aug 3, 2011 at 11:02 -
uhhhh, only 12? I recall seeing over 100 when I had a quick glance at the tag (when this question was posted)...– DMA57361Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 11:03
@dma well, not any more. Based on the sampling I saw, and the fact that once I deleted it only one question was untagged .. I stand by the burnination. Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 11:05
f/e, I was just looking at the "questions tagged" number, didn't bother having a detailed look. I imagine a lot were accidentally split composites anyway (command key, license key, etc) and it's pretty useless as a tag, so I've no problems with the tag being gone. :).– DMA57361Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 11:07
1webcache.googleusercontent.com/… - One hundred and seven, as of July 15ᵗʰ, 2011.– Hello71Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 15:49
Um, Jeff, one of your questions seems to have had that tag recently.– SynetechCommented Aug 8, 2011 at 5:38