I recently complained over at Meta.Programmers that they were upvoting poor quality and often times very short answers. But I also keep an eye out for SU's hottest questions and I see exactly the same problem. Answers being upvoted that aren't worth their length in rep. At the bottom you can see a sample I took from our hottest questions of the past month.
Basically what I'm saying is: If your answer fits in a tweet, it's not really an answer
My problem with all these examples is that they merely show how its done, but they don't teach you how to solve it. When someone comes to Super User asking for help, we shouldn't just point them to the solution, we should make the Internet a better place and teach others how their computer works. Like the Chinese proverb goes:
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
So in the future, I hope we could stop massively upvoting poor quality answers and instead leave a comment to ask for more information instead.
With Super User's second anniversary contest coming up, I hope some of you will use this as an excuse to edit these posts into more awesomeness. To make sure that our hottest content is actually worth sharing with your friends and family!
What are some options for transfering large files without using the Internet?
15 upvotes: Have you explored satellite and wireless mesh options - maybe there's one in your area if the local xDSL services are not too hot.
Right, so how does this explain Kyle how to effectively get this setup work? It doesn't even bother to explain what kind of satellite it would be (one in space or on your roof) and expects everyone to know what xDSL is.
34 upvotes: Get reimbursed for the gas, or report the mileage on your taxes. OR Are any "consumer" level internet connections available? They tend to be highly asymmetric in terms of transfer rates, so it might be worthwhile to have an inexpensive line for downloads.
I get that getting a second line is probably a great idea, but as the comments point out there's a lot more useful things you could tell. Like downscaling the very expensive account in favor of the cheap one. As another comment explains, this does add complexity of which the answer mentions nothing at all.
How can I change to the previous directory instead of going up?
A billion upvotes for: cd - should perform the swap you need.
Great, but what if I know need two directories? Do I need to go back and ask yet another question or would it have been helpful to point to the documentation for any other similar commands or just go the extra mile and explain them why the system works that way.
Will my computer slow down if I install multiple operating systems?
72 upvotes: No. Only one operating system can run at a time, unless you use virtualization.
Great that you've answered the Yes or No part of the question, but how about explaining why you can't run two systems at the same time without virtualization. The top answer at least takes the trouble of explaining that dual boot is simply something that only affects your hard drive.
Can Screwdrivers With Magnetic Tips Cause Damage To Electronics?
Its fine if all the answers are nothing more than anecdotal and simply state that its not likely to happen. Only Tom's answer tries to explain what might happen and why, yet he's stuck at the bottom with 3 upvotes, while the 4 answers above him got a grand total of 85 upvotes!
How can I permanently customize the DOS prompt (a.k.a. "command prompt") in Windows 7?
25 upvotes: At the command prompt type: setx Prompt $p$g$_$f Then reopen the command prompt.
Great, but would you mind explaining what setx does and why it was resetting itself each time?