I recently marked the popular question How should I choose my DNS? as community-faq-proposed
. And according to the wiki
Community FAQ questions should be clear, concise, and understandable. If a question could make a viable Community FAQ entry, tag it with community-faq-proposed. Once the question has suitable answers which meet these guidelines, it can be tagged by a moderator or user experienced with the subject as community-faq.
(Emphisis mine)
So I assumed that it ment that I should flag for moderator since only a moderator can move it from proposed to actual Community-FAQ
However this is the response that I got
I propose to make this question a Community FAQ question. It is very general, has good answers, and Max's answer has good a discussion about the potential drawbacks of using a alternative DNS provider. – 11 hours ago
declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention
But it does require their intervention, that is how a question moves from proposed to accepted. I suggest that if flagging the tag is the improper procedure that the wiki be edited to make the instructions more clear.