In tagging a question I noticed (24) and (38).

The tag wiki for the latter seemed like the right thing for my question, but most of the questions filed under duplicate-files seem like deduplication questions. Should they be aliased?

2 Answers 2


It seems to me duplication should be killed and rolled into duplicate files. Duplication sounds like it could refer to good things and is ambiguous.

Examples of alternate uses for duplications:

  • Drive Duplication
  • Copy Files
  • Duplicates of Files
  • Exact Duplicates (A current tag)

I would rather more explicit tags for these, I am newer and still mastering the site but this makes the most sense to me


Dealing with duplicate files and deduplication are really 2 different sciences, especially if you drag ZFS (or similar) dedup into the conversation.

I think that for things that deal with duplicate files, and how to link/remove them, they should be tagged as .

For other things like ZFS dedup, and other similar technologies, would be right.

But, I could be wrong.

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