The question Which clients accept DHCP option 42 to configure their NTP servers? doesn't ask for software recommendations despite what its title says since:
- There aren't that many DHCP servers/client implementations apart from major operating systems (Windows and ISC, AKA *nix)
- DHCP has been around as a technology since the cavern times (well, not that way back) and haven't changed nor will change in the years to come (IPv6 doesn't change almost anything about this protocol). Thanks allquixotic for pointing this out.
- OP is asking if he needs a special configuration to enable the functionality and if it's not possible if he should change his DHCP client. He doesn't ask right off the bat what clients has this functionality, but "I want to get this functionality, what should I do with what I have right now to get it?".
- Even if we change the X and Y, X being DHCP client and Y being NTP support, it will continue being on-topic, because he asks first and foremost if it can be done. (Notice this is a twist of my third reason.)
- Is about a general networking issue with historical reasons, and the question isn't in the list.