I stumbled upon some minor layout issues while switching superuser's main and meta. I felt only one of them wasn't enough for a meta post, so I collected them.
Fixed over time
The superuser website header and meta.superuser header aren't exactly at the same position. Please note, that stackoverflow's main and meta header are well aligned» FixedCommunity Bulletin link title is also slightly at another position as its counterpart on the main site» FixedThe» Fixedr
in superuser gets cut off for some reason on the main site headerMissing space onProfile » activity » suggestions
between the word on and the subject
Column headers are missing on SU footer while present on meta.SU footerIn the meta.SU footer. Those two links are underlined while they aren't on SU main site footer
After two years, the following things probably will never change.
aboutTour link is missing on meta SU footer while it is present on the main site's footerThe tag filter field, only visible while reviewing, doesn't allow tags with placeholders like
. But placeholders are allowed when using the main site's favorite/ignored tag option
/thx & closed :)
is cut off.about
for meta.su. Not sure about other sites, but IMO it's not needed for any of the metas.