It seems closed questions are very insecure.
Why and When, are closed questions deleted? (Even highly voted well formed closed questions can be deleted). What is the argument that they can't just remain closed, and should be deleted?
(added by bwDraco to bring attention to the question again and avoid asking a duplicate)
I often hear an argument from one of our moderators that closed questions should always be deleted shortly after they are closed unless they are edited so that they can be reopened:
The question was closed. And closed either leads to being deleted or fixed in a way that makes the question in scope for the site topic and subsequently reopened.
Closed is not a synonym for no more answers, but that the question (if not otherwise a duplicate) doesn't belong on the site any more. (source)
This is often done even at the expense of high-quality answers (examples: 1 2 3). The reasoning I tend to hear is that such questions are trash and are therefore harmful to the site, regardless of the merits of the answers. To my knowledge, however, there is no community discussion or consensus that states that closed questions should always be deleted if left unfixed.
Do we need to delete every closed question that goes unedited for more than a few months?