This is a purely language issue, but IMHO, it deserves some thought.
I don't know how things currently stand on Stack Overflow and Server Fault, but on Super User questions often get closed as non computer related, for which the description stands, and I quote:
Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way. This question is very far afield from software or hardware.
Now, the FAQ clearly states that Super User is not about:
- videogames or consoles
- websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress
- cellphones or mobile devices, except smartphones such as iPhone that interface with your computer
- electronic devices or media players, except insofar as they interface with your computer
But it is about:
- computer hardware
- computer software
Websites related questions (Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) often get closed on that basis. I just checked on Wikipedia - they are certainly software.
Now, I wouldn't mind a simple statement saying, "Closed for not being in the scope of this site", but closing them as not being software or hardware related, or worse, not being computer related is plain silly. Should that reason for closing be renamed to something more sensible?