Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

Difficulty formulating question such that it does not elicit theoretical vs practical debate

In this question, I am trying to ask for something that from user experience sounds very simple "I would like want an software that blocks something for me as administrator on a computer" (...
a.t.'s user avatar
  • 433
1 vote
2 answers

Question was closed?

Why was this closed? This seems like it matches the Q&A format. What can I use to track application internet usage?
Caleb Jares's user avatar
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0 votes
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Question about converting a multi-page PDF file to PNG files - can it be reopened?

This is about my question: How to convert a multi-page PDF file to PNG files, with one PNG file per page of the PDF document? - which has been recently closed as off-topic for "seeking product, ...
galacticninja's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Seriously consider removing the "no software recommendations" rule, or stop moderators from abusing it

You encounter a specific computing problem. You search for a solution everywhere and don't find one. You spend a considerable length of time writing a well-thought-out, researched, eloquent and ...
WackGet's user avatar
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Why do you regard a factual question about software as "outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers"?

Why is a question about a capability of a software or for as "software that does x-action" put on hold or closed with the justification that it is "outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers"? ...
user291737's user avatar
3 votes
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Software recs - better user guidance

There are many software rec questions on meta, involving correct tags, how to ask etc, but I can't find one that covers this aspect. No matter how well a user follows the guidelines in How do I ask a ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 50.1k
-2 votes
1 answer

Why this question is closed as off-topic?

I know the what questions are on topic, but I fail to understand, why asking about pdf-viewing has fallen out? I did not ask about shopping recommendation. I express disappointment that 5 people did ...
Adam Ryczkowski's user avatar
5 votes
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Request to reopen question 600238

This question about creating CD+Gs from MP4s was closed this morning, 27 May 2013, at 04:05 UTC for being off-topic: in its original form, the question was obviously a software-rec. Twelve minutes ...
nc4pk's user avatar
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1 vote
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I believe my question was unfairly closed as off-topic

I cannot understand my mistake, and now feel discouraged to try solving my issue with the help of community. The question is this: How can I constantly monitor if my server has network traffic? I'm ...
Justinas Dūdėnas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why offtopic and if truly offtopic then where to ask it?

I asked this question How to determine whether audio is music or not I have read and I am baffled as to why was it put on hold and later closed as OFFTOPIC by ...
Costin Gușă's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why was my question on RTF editing problems on linux closed?

I asked a question about a specific problem with RTF editing on linux with details about what I tried and observed, but my question was closed as off-topic. How can I edit huge RTF files produced by ...
Bogatyr's user avatar
  • 169
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Are the policies on product recommendations from 2011 and 2012 still good for 2015?

I noticed both the software rec and hardware rec tags exist and that they reference these two meta posts: How do I ask a question that may require recommending software? (2012) What is the difference ...
Raystafarian's user avatar
  • 21.8k
0 votes
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Question closed for offtopic, does not make sense

Closed (-2 votes): Not closed (+7 votes): Good fractal visualizer May I hear the logic in that? The both questions are basically the ...
Rookie's user avatar
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3 votes
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Are questions about recommending plug ins or add on off topic?

I know software recommendations are off topic and to me, an add on / plug in is software but, not sure if that is true for all? For example, "please recommend a plug in / add on for Chrome so I can ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 25.4k
2 votes
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Request to reopen question 1736397

My question has been closed immediately after I asked it. The closed message dialog links to another question: How do I ask a question that may require recommending software?. The accepted answer with ...
user1785730's user avatar

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