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10 votes
2 answers

Why were my flags on a meta answer post and comments containing expletives directed at another user declined?

The author of this answer to a meta post literally told OP to "shut the freak up" (only they didn't say "freak") in both their answer and several comments. (The answer is not ...
galacticninja's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

Moderator abuse

Assist me in creating ics-events with complicated repeat patterns? is closed because the moderator doesn't understand what ICS are (They are just text strings in a .ics-file and I was looking for ...
d-b's user avatar
  • 886
8 votes
1 answer

Offensive user names

What to do with offensive user names? Offensive posts can be flagged. I don't see any way to flag offensive names. I feel it should be reported somehow, but I don't know where. In my opinion user ...
Marco's user avatar
  • 4,384
10 votes
3 answers

What can we do to keep this site civil / professional / work safe?

I'm not really pleased to see things on the site that are not work-safe, such as this answer to the question about "nub" pointing sticks in keyboards that used a genitalia part name (not nipple). [...
ErikE's user avatar
  • 264