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5 votes
1 answer

Is this question about automation appropriate for SuperUser?

I'm working on a data cleaning automation task. Every month we receive an e-mail from a specific client with two folders with PDF files attached. My goal is to find a way to download these folders, ...
maliebina's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Clarification of question's acceptability in advance

How can I check a question's correct place, acceptability and plausibility before posting it on Super User? Is it possible to check the correctness of a question in advance here on Meta Super User? Or ...
ccsann's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Where should one ask and answer a question where the Q is more a Super User topic, and the A is more a Server Fault topic?

My answer involves networking-related infrastructure administration, specifically DNS. The question is more about being a power browser user. I guess the particulars - that is, the Q and A belong in a ...
WHO'sNoToOldRx4Covid-CENSORED's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Questioning whether question deserved to be closed

This question: I was looking forward to getting people's opinions. I haven't heard of the program before and wanted to know if others ...
CChriss's user avatar
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