Questions tagged [bounty]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The bounty optional message box is misleading

When setting a bounty, I have the option to set an extended explanation of what I require. The input box allows me to input newlines and blank lines, which leads me to think that the full question/...
evilsoup's user avatar
  • 13.5k
5 votes
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How can I find question that have newly assigned bounties?

Assume there are 150 questions featured/with bounty, and I have read them all. An hour later I come back, and now there are 152. Currently, it seems I need to scroll through and read all 152 to find ...
Aganju's user avatar
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3 votes
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My bounty is expiring with no new answers or comments; how else can I draw attention to it?

I have a bounty with an upcoming expiration deadline. There were no comments, answers, or even votes on this question prior to placing the bounty. There are still no comments, answers, or votes. The ...
Kyle Strand's user avatar
  • 1,776
1 vote
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How to start a bounty as a reward for a question that's protected?

I ran into a tricky issue on OS X where a windows was being displayed on a second monitor that was not present. I found a question and an answer at Move an off-screen window back on-screen on Mac OS X....
jww's user avatar
  • 12.1k