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Questions tagged [captcha]

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6 votes
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Alignment issue in the CAPTCHA window

There is an alignment issue in the CAPTCHA window. Some time the I'm not a robot checkbox went out of the modal window. Some time the modal window occupying the full width of the page, it expected ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA image verification improvements

Sometimes when I'm quick, I get a reCAPTCHA to verify that I am human. I'm totally fine with this. Today I got a reCAPTCHA with images. I had to select peanuts or street signs, and somehow I am not ...
LPChip's user avatar
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Captcha freezes and does nothing

I try to post The captcha bot (are you a human ?) appears I guess the right letters A text field appears on the screen, asking me to cut and paste into another text field. I do that. Nothing else ...
User.1's user avatar
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Are you a human being? [closed]

I was presented by this while trying to search from my home computer on superuser without being signed-in. Since I could not answer a CAPTCHA; here is my proof: I hope I the confusion is now cleared,...
reader's user avatar
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I'm human, even when I'm incognito!

Whenever I'm visiting Super User in incognito mode, I have to verify that I'm a human (almost every time). I realize that this could be avoided by not being incognito, but for various reasons, I'm ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
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change captcha without a mouse

Just noticed that while typing my last question... I got the Are You a Human page, with the captcha. I couldn't read one of the words for nothing. And there was no way to focus the reload button (or ...
gcb's user avatar
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Captcha doesn't work with IE

All I can see is "I am human being". I don't know which version my IE is, I don't know where to check it, but it came with Windows 7, so it can't be that old.
winuser's user avatar
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How often do you get the robot prompt? I've gotten it every time for the past week now. . .

I've noticed that I get prompted and asked if I'm a robot every time recently. I'm curious if this was due to my machine or the site flagging me. And this has been on multiple machines, on different ...
surfasb's user avatar
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Captcha not showing input....

When prompted for a Captcha by SU, There's no visible captcha text and no input box. The only thing visible is the "I'm a human" button. Windows XP, FireFox 4 Form Source: <form method="...
Basic's user avatar
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