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Questions tagged [chat]

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5 votes
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Upcoming events.. a birthday?

Maybe I have been blind for a few years, but this seems.. unique - what's the dealio? Seems like it would be private -
Raystafarian's user avatar
  • 21.9k
-1 votes
1 answer

Errors in superuser and stack overflow

Whenever I click on 'chat' I get some message about my number of posts being been limited and will expire in 3 days, but this is for the 'forum' (whatever its called) not for the chat room, and its ...
Recycle Bin's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why am I being told "Wait some of your questions have not been well recived"?

I have asked three questions, but am now seeing a "Wait some of your questions have not been well received" banner across my profile. What can I do to improve my questions? At first I didn't know how ...
Joe Brown's user avatar
  • 155
6 votes
2 answers

Question moved to chat, where I cannot contribute

I asked a question at superuser, and a bunch of comments ensued trying to help me. Then a suggestion popped up to move the discussion to chat. That sounds fine, so I clicked it. But now I have to log ...
rich's user avatar
  • 165
2 votes
1 answer

Cant Login to Chat for SU

I can log in to Super User but not the chat site. It sit's at "Logging you in to the Stack Exchange chat..." and does nothing. Additionally, I can see the chat room and view it, but it say's I'm not ...
Colyn1337's user avatar
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3 votes
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Adding posts from my blog to chat

I'm getting asked by a couple people in the Root Access chat room about posts I make on my blog. I know we have the SU blog that posts updates there, as well as GFSE. Would it be OK for me to make a ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot

I would like to discuss with some civility a recent action that has occurred in the Root Access chatroom. First, allow me to catch everyone up on the facts of the situation: Overview Q: What ...
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
5 votes
5 answers

What should I name my chat bot? And updates to greeting message

If you don't know what this is all about, click here to read a question about Root Access chat bots... One of the problems I'm frequently having with my bot, John Cavil, is that he frequently ...
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
5 votes
1 answer

How to manually move a comment conversation to a chat?

Is it possible to manually move a discussion in comments to a chat room? I just got the usual message that I should move the conversation to a chat. Please avoid extended discussions in comments. ...
Samir's user avatar
  • 21k
5 votes
2 answers

Bot(s) in SU Chat?

What are the bots in the SU room? I see there's a new one with hangman and such, but what others ones are available? The ones that are in there, what commands do they accept?
Canadian Luke's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Chat privilege update [duplicate]

If I am not mistaken, you must have 75+ reputation in order to use the chat. If I try to chat with someone without the rep requirement it says that I can't. I thought it could be usful if a user that ...
matan129's user avatar
  • 1,970
20 votes
1 answer

Vote to Close the Vote to Close chat room

With the new Review System, questions are getting closed/reopened/improved more rapidly then before. Looking at the room activity, it's been 43 days since something was asked in there, other then one ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why we can't we show that chatting user is typing? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Could we show if someone is typing on chat? Consider this scenario A and B were chatting for an specific answer and why can't we show the specific user is typing when he ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Mention that the commented user is online when asked to move discussion to chat

I have a suggestion Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to automatically move this discussion to chat? In this part why can't we mention that the commented user is ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I see previously starred messages in chat?

I like to star lots of things in chat as being interesting (which I believe was the point of it), but I would like to know how can I see what I previously starred later on? For example, when there are ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Pinged usernames are not highlighted when followed by a comma

Pretty straightforward, its what the title says. Screenshot (courtesy of KronoS, who first noticed something was wrong): The ping works in that the notification shows up, as well as the sound, but ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
12 votes
0 answers

The blog editor room has been frozen – now what? [duplicate]

Our blog editor room has been frozen due to inactivity. It's now been more than two weeks that someone posted in it. Our last blog entry is almost two months old. This is a bit sad. We've had a ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
-8 votes
2 answers

Could we show if someone is typing on chat?

When @ at someone, it would be good to know when he/she types an answer. Just like in popular IMs like Facebook, Gmail etc.
Boris_yo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Support Option-Return for inserting new lines in Super User chat

On Mac OS X, pressing Option-Return inserts newlines in text input fields instead of e.g. submitting a form. This is a system-wide convention (Cocoa's insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:). Very few ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
2 votes
1 answer

Unable to talk in chat despite enough reputation

I am no longer able to participate on chat. Starting today (between 2AM and 1PM CET), something got broken. It clearly recognizes me, as clicking the avatar produces: But the chat user profile says ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
3 votes
1 answer

Page Not Found when clicking on non-existant tag in chat room

In the Ask a Super User Moderator chat room, when someone clicks on tag:moderator*, a page not found error is reached.
wizlog's user avatar
  • 13.5k
3 votes
2 answers

Where has the comment thread on Page File stuff gone to?

On What's wrong with disabling the Windows page file? Mehrdad and I had a non-heated discussion on page files, is it still available to us so that we continue on it in chat? I also might need it ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can I prematurely generate a "let's start this discussion in chat" link?

There are some occasions where comments become a bit like a discussion, and the link to start a conversation in chat comes up. And it's all neat: It's an archived chat specific to that question. But ...
barlop's user avatar
  • 24.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Chat flag indicator may be getting shown to unqualified users

I'm pretty sure I don't have enough SU rep to be seeing chat flags. However, I saw the "flagged post" indicator when I logged in to chat just now. Clicking on it produced this screen: I'm guessing ...
Pops's user avatar
  • 8,553
7 votes
1 answer

Show the local time against a user's info

I am thinking specifically about the chat rooms where it would be useful/interesting to know a user's local time - perhaps alongside their name or in the user info pop up window. If the latter then ...
Linker3000's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why does the Chat show so much reputation?

I wish that I had 5.9k rep, but I dont, not even combined... (and the badge count only has my superuser badges, not even meta). What does the 5.9k mean?
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
1 vote
1 answer

Test 5: Communication with – failed

i use Chrome and notscripts, recently get a failure to authorize with stackexchange and cannot chat with a moderator anymore. Is this a problem with the recent ...
12 votes
1 answer

One-boxing on Super User chat for the SU Blog

Now that the SU blog is official, it would be nice if posts from the SU blog could be one-boxed in Chat, like posts from the official SO blog are. Could this be enabled? I imagine it would be a pretty ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
5 votes
1 answer

Who broke chat?

Did someone unplug the chat server to plug the vacuum cleaner in to get the ants out of the keyboard?
Majenko's user avatar
  • 32.7k
7 votes
1 answer

Chat doesn't think I am logged in

I have used chat in the past but now it prompts me to login, but I am already logged in (via Google). If I run the help page tests every single one passes. Current PC is an Acer laptop running ...
Linker3000's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to reply to a user about something off topic without derailing a comment thread?

Since I started using Super User a short while ago, I've been wondering how to comment on a user's attitude, spelling or similar without getting into a long off-topic comment thread which doesn't ...
oKtosiTe's user avatar
  • 9,696
15 votes
6 answers

Pick an easter egg for chat.superuser!

On chat.meta.stackoverflow, there's a little easter egg where text entered as [status-blah] will be rendered as a moderator only tag. We'd like to do something similar, but specific to superuser -...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
  • 24.3k