Questions tagged [css]

Questions related to the CSS (cascading style sheets) of Super User.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Visual Defect on Privileges Page

On the privileges page, when hovering over a row, the text-decoration:underline rule looks weird. Most of the the content is inside of a div inside of an anchor tag, so most of it doesn't have ...
KyleMit's user avatar
  • 6,335
5 votes
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The "You must have 50 reputation to comment" notification is not very readable

I just realized that this sites color scheme makes it nearly impossible to see how much rep you need to add a comment. Change it, maybe, possibly? Here's a screenshot. EDIT: I'm using Chrome version ...
IntrepidPig's user avatar
3 votes
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Should the CSS for H1 be changed here?

I was a bit surprised to discover that using headings is considered "yelling here" (see edit here). I'm familiar with the idea that ALL CAPS is yelling, that's common across the internet ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
3 votes
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Special tags on fav/ignore lists are not displayed properly without page reload

When adding a moderator-only (black) or required (black bordered) tag to the list of favorite or ignored tags, they're not displayed in their usual style. Only a page reload will give them the ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
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