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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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My question was closed as "opinion-based" despite not being opinion-based

My question Why do SSDs tend to fail much more suddenly than HDDs? was closed by a mod as "opinion-based", despite being in no way opinion-based. It asks for factual reasons why SSDs tend ...
Vikki's user avatar
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Was this question closed because a new user made an (easily correctable) Markdown formatting mistake and (correctable, ESL) grammar?

WSL2 duplicated terminal was Mod-closed as "Needs clarity or details", but even as originally written it was (again) quite understandable to me. It definitely had two problems: The new ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 25.6k
3 votes
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What's unclear about this question on how to configure Acrobat so that it runs an Acrobat Javascript script whenever a PDF is opened?

I asked the question: I wrote an Acrobat Javascript script. How can I configure Acrobat so that it runs a Acrobat Javascript script whenever a PDF is opened in Acrobat? It was closed as "needs ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
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Asking detailed and varient of an old(9 years) closed question

I have come across a problem which was already asked here in a very general way in 2010. That question was closed citing as overly broad, vague, ambiguous etc. Now, I have tried many things on this ...
Chief A's user avatar
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Why was this access question closed as off topic, and what community would be better suited for it?

I posted this here earlier, but it was closed as off-topic. I figured since it was access related, which is software related, this was the best fit community. If that is not the case, could someone ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
2 votes
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What's too broad about my question?

I have a question about my Super User post: How to protect my files against application? (Sandboxing?) First, I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to understand. Second, I already edited the ...
Tom's user avatar
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Why was this question on parsing a pdf closed?

re: about breaking a pdf into sentences The original wording of the question included the option for a ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
1 vote
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Question which should have the answer "it is impossible"

I asked that question: It has been closed. But it seems, by reading all the comments, that the ...
AdriZ's user avatar
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Make question about Java MaxHeapSize more focused

This question about Java MaxHeapSize was closed because it needs to be more focused. How can it be made more focused? "Needs more focus" is defined here as "has many valid answers (but no way to ...
LvB's user avatar
  • 101
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Editing "on hold" question

The question by unregistered user was put on hold with "unclear what you are asking" as reason. ...
Kreiri's user avatar
  • 101
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My question still on hold after adding details?

I have asked this question and it got put on hold for the lack of details and for asking many question. I have edited it to one question and I have added the details that have been requested from me ...
Chebhou's user avatar
  • 131
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1 answer

Why did one mod close this question on removing the password on several RAR files at once as a duplicate?

The question How can I remove the password on several RAR files at once? was closed by 1 mod as a duplicate of Can I remove a RAR file's (known) password without recompressing the archive?. Why? ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar