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What did I do wrong in my question about Windows Update?

I asked the question Windows Update gives 0x80070643 error on fresh Windows 10 install. I provided the steps that led to the issue and the troubleshooting steps I tried to solve it. When people ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
6 votes
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How to defend new users from unconstructive downvoting

This may be somewhat duplicate, but I think the issue still stands on its own compared to others. I've noticed a depressing trend for new users, who often write poorly formed questions, having their ...
CLockeWork's user avatar
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Is there a better site for this question?

Wondering if I should move to another site? Or if it belongs here, what I might do to improve it, since it is being ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Getting downvotes I don't understand

Could someone please tell me what's wrong with this question I asked?, it first got a downvote and no answers, shortly later I changed the question and still I got downvoted again. I'v asked alot of ...
somethingSomething's user avatar