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12 votes
3 answers

Doesn't limiting voting points to 200 potentially discourage activity?

Doesn't limiting voting points to 200 potentially discourage activity by your most active members? I have enjoyed answering questions lately, and I would by lying if I did not say that I didn't have ...
KCotreau's user avatar
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Does the bonus rep for associating accounts across different SE sites go against daily rep cap?

Does the +100 bonus rep for associating accounts across different Stack Exchange sites go against the +200 daily rep count?
SgtOJ's user avatar
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I have received 205 reputation points today

I check my reputation received today. It says I have received 205 points. I thought the cap was at 200 per day. Will it go back down to the cap sometime later or is this intended?
SgtOJ's user avatar
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When does the reputation cap timer reset?

When does reputation cap time reset? Does it reset at specific time of the day? Or is there no timer but instead, the 200 reputation cap with any give 24 hour period?
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