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Why was this non-opinion question closed as opinion-based?

When this question was first written, it was missing some key details. Thus, one or two people voted it as opinion-based. This made sense, as without those key details, the question could certainly ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Why were my flags on a meta answer post and comments containing expletives directed at another user declined?

The author of this answer to a meta post literally told OP to "shut the freak up" (only they didn't say "freak") in both their answer and several comments. (The answer is not ...
galacticninja's user avatar
-8 votes
5 answers

Silently deleting comments: Not Cool Super User!

So, someone deleted a couple comments I made in response to someone else's comments. There was no messaging to me about when or why. That is totally uncool. This is cencorship, pure and simple. Yes ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why won't moderator let me delete my question?

I posted this question which was narrowly focused problem of a larger task. After a few days I had <15 views so I added bounty. Now I've had a couple of people chime in with helpful comments and it'...
Automate This's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Flagging content that is later edited

I posted the same thing on stackoverflow recently. It seems it needs to be posted here too. The problem is that you flag some content that is "flaggable" then the poster edits the post and your flag ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Disputed "not an answer" flag for question 689439

I recently flagged this answer as not an answer since it is a thank you comment that duplicates the second part of this existing answer. However, the flag was marked as disputed for some reason. I ...
James P's user avatar
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