Questions tagged [editing]

Anything related to the editing feature, e.g. anonymous edits, suggested edits, the editing privilege, edit history, etc.

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12 votes
3 answers

PDF tag wiki uneditable

There is no link/button that will allow editing of the pdf tag wiki. Improve this tag wiki pink just redirects back to the tag wiki page. What is going on? (Note DanielBeck also has this problem, so ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.4k
4 votes
1 answer

Is the question's last activity relevant for editing, or accepting suggested edits?

Is the last activity date of a topic relevant in deciding whether a given change makes the relevance threshold when editing, or deciding on a suggested edit? Are smaller, less important edits fine ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 110k
5 votes
1 answer

How do I force a peer review for my edit when I already have editing privileges?

How do I force my edit through the peer review system (for example, when I'm not sure if I did it right) when I already have editing privileges? It seems like creating peer review requests is a rare ...
Vi.'s user avatar
  • 17.2k
7 votes
1 answer

Differences between plain-text diff and formatted diff

Plain-text diff and formatted diff produce different results in what they consider was added. I wondered about the following editing diff in a recent post of mine: I clearly added a sentence to ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 110k
11 votes
1 answer

Should the original intent of a question be broadened to make the answers more canonical?

A question about Markdown editors with live preview is specific to Mac OS X, but several other answers, including mine, discuss applications that run on other operating systems. Is it appropriate to ...
Adam Wuerl's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Unable to edit the body of a particular answer

I make a large number of edits across Super User every week, but I've not seen this issue before. If I try to make any edits to this answer, the text available for me to edit is trimmed short - only ...
Gareth's user avatar
  • 18.8k
11 votes
2 answers

What's up with "Window XP" and "Window 7"?

Editing notice: Please don't edit and bump posts that are old, have no answers, low views, and are generally of low quality. Vote to close or delete, and/or flag them for moderator attention to have ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 228k
4 votes
1 answer

Empty editing description of post's first revision

When viewing a specific revision, the description entered by the user is displayed. Even if it's revision 1, the original post, with no editing description. Depending on the site style used, this ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 110k
6 votes
1 answer

When people give good answers to the wrong question

I asked this question last night just before going to bed. In summary, the question was "Why does my browser ask me before it will make an HTTPS connection?" I've got two answers now, but both have ...
billpg's user avatar
  • 277
6 votes
1 answer

Editing others' questions: etiquette issue with partially off-topic questions?

The quidelines for editing say don't change the meaning. And it's reasonable and just. But what about questions like this one: "Should I buy webcam of 720p or VGA quality?" The first part, where the ...
haimg's user avatar
  • 22.5k
5 votes
2 answers

Conflicting edits are allowed. Warning needed?

When a user starts editing a post while another user is also editing, the edits of first committer is lost, since the last commit overwrites the previous ones. Happened in this answer. See the ...
musa's user avatar
  • 581
5 votes
1 answer

Users with less than 2k rep cannot edit meta posts

I've edited a number of posts this week, using suggested edits because I don't have 2k on SU yet. It just occurred to me that MSU might also have some posts in need of cleanup, so I came by to check. ...
Pops's user avatar
  • 8,473
8 votes
1 answer

Duplicate Titles needing improvement and/or closed as duplicate

Inspired by a similar question on meta.stackoverflow, I just did this database query on superuser, and found 103 pairs of questions with totally identical title, excluding those where one of them is ...
PaÅ­lo Ebermann's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to know how many edits where made on my question?

Is there a way to know how many edits were made on one of my posts?
Diogo's user avatar
  • 30.5k
7 votes
1 answer

Can all images be on 'stack.imgur' to prevent endless edits? Or get an interesting tab?

In Do we care about edit flooding? Should we be doing anything?, Jeff Atwood mentioned: Edits should be reasonably substantive -- trivial edits have all the negatives but almost none of the ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

What time of the day is Super User getting the least traffic?

Due to the recent discussion about edit flooding, and one possible counter measure mentioned by @Grace Note ... You may consider that it is often wiser to perform massive edit jobs during low ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 228k
2 votes
1 answer

Why are there large number of high-view questions on the front page? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Do we care about edit flooding? Should we be doing anything? I refreshed my SU page and it went PINK. As I count, there are 15 questions on the main SU view with nK views. ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 41.8k
40 votes
9 answers

Do we care about edit flooding? Should we be doing anything?

Edit flooding is the term I'm using for when a single user (or small group of users) perform a lot of edits in a small space of time and effectively take over the front page - pushing a lot of new ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
4 votes
3 answers

Are ampersands (&s) inappropriate in questions?

I'm somewhat puzzled by these edits: Let's break them down: Changing "w/" to "with" Capitalizing "Medialink" Changing "&" to "and" Changing "E.g." ...
Bill Reardon's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Preview does not accurately represent code

<pre> tags are lined up with my bullet indents in the code preview, but not in the answer.
Gruzzles's user avatar
  • 675
5 votes
1 answer

My own answer was double-posted while inline editing

In this question, I already had an answer, but decided to edit it and add some clarification. While I was editing, the "1 new answer has been posted" message appeared on top of the page, but I just ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 228k
17 votes
3 answers

Should non-substantial edits be approved or rejected?

Should we accept/improve edit suggestions where the editors could obviously have done more? Example 1: Fixing only one letter Take this edit suggestion as an example. The only difference between the ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 228k
6 votes
0 answers

"Migrated from" or "Closed" message appears twice after inline editing [closed]

Steps to reproduce Find a migrated or closed question Edit it (or just save, without editing anything) Result: "migrated from", or "closed" message appears twice Refresh the page and the duplicate ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 228k
11 votes
1 answer

Does having edit privileges allow me to approve edits from others?

Pre-2000 reputation - Every time I edited a post I needed to await attention before it could be approved. I 100% agree with this rule. Post-2000 reputation - I can edit any post without waiting for ...
nopcorn's user avatar
  • 16.7k
11 votes
2 answers

How do I make the distinction between editing an answer to add content (detail) vs. just answering that question?

I have a question that has the right answer, but it's not very detailed: How do Optical/Laser Mice work? I'm at a dilemma here, I want to give the answerer the rep that he deserves as he is correct, ...
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.4k
-11 votes
4 answers

My post was unfairly edited and locked

My previous post was getting edit and I think the edit was wrong. Look at the Revision 2, sblair completely changed my post, which include a line here: "I want one of my friends to buy a 1TB hard ...
lamwaiman1988's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Edit tags on migrated question

This question has been migrated to Stack Overflow (you'll probably have to search on [macro] to see the stub), and now because of the bad decision to link it directly to that question on SO, it can't ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do I revert, undo, or reverse my own edit?

Yesterday on stackoverflow I accidentally edited someone's answer instead of my question. I added an "Update: " and saved it then realized my mistake, and edited again, took that edit out and put it ...
Warren  P's user avatar
  • 2,950
3 votes
0 answers

Rollback says ā€œresetting any offensive votesā€, but rolls back *all* votes. [closed]

The rollback button of a question says that it will reset any offensive votes, which presumably means down-votes. Yet, rolling back to an earlier revision seems to reset up-votes (and accompanying ...
Synetech's user avatar
  • 68.8k
10 votes
2 answers

Incorporating more information from comments while editing

Editing guidelines (for example this meta question) do not give any information about incorporating additional information from comments. For example, while editing this, there is additional rather ...
Olli's user avatar
  • 7,641
7 votes
1 answer

how do I view revisions to a question?

how do I view revisions to a question (presumably including tag changes)? do I need a certain rep amount, if so how much?
barlop's user avatar
  • 23.9k
8 votes
1 answer

Make editing tag wikis more available to experienced users

Currently, tag wikis have very stringent requirements for editing: Tag wikis can be edited by users with more than 1500 reputation, provided: They are in the top 20 answerers for this ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.4k
4 votes
1 answer

Answering a question you previously voted to close

This question was recently posted, asking very ambiguously about the Windows 7 SP1 RC. I voted to close it as "not a real question", since it was just asking for comments on whether anybody had tried ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.4k
2 votes
1 answer

Should questions be edited to show images in-line?

Looking at the first version of this question. The image link provided in the question points to an imgur URL, so probably was uploaded using the magic now built in to the site. So, should this be ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
12 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to edit "very" old posts?

I ended up here because it was in the related links of a new question. The original version made be pull a face, so I've adjusted it. However, given it has been accepted and unedited for about 7 ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
3 votes
0 answers

Unable to edit a question because of "that content"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What content am I being blocked from editing and why? Was trying to edit the following question to fix the broken URL:
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
5 votes
1 answer

What content am I being blocked from editing and why?

Tonight I went to edit this post to fix the link, which the poster had entered in BBcode rather than Markdown. When I went to submit the edit, I got this error message, which I've never seen before: ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.4k
18 votes
2 answers

Can Moderators See Edits Made to Answers Within 5 Minutes?

Can moderators etc. can see edits made within 5 minutes? I ask because I answered a question one minute after someone else but they quickly changed their answer to include information from mine. But ...
James P's user avatar
  • 11.3k
11 votes
1 answer

Editing others' posts - guidelines / etiquette?

I've just hit the 2000rep mark, and can now edit questions (hurrah! woot! etc, etc...). But, I'm a little uneasy about editing other people's posts, as it's not something I've really experienced ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
4 votes
3 answers

Submitting edit on Super User fails

When I try to edit my question, I get a page not found error. The error: Page not Found Edit: Now it works again. But this wasn't the only error. I've tried ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Page Not Found when submitting edited answer

I'm trying to edit this answer of mine over on SuperUser, but when I save the edits, I get redirected to a SU Page Not Found page. Some notes: My edit is just adding a link to the page (and ...
arathorn's user avatar
  • 8,749
10 votes
3 answers

Is editing being abused?

I never noticed this practice on stackoverflow or serverfault, but I noticed on superuser that some users will answer a question if a placeholder that either barely or does not answer the question it ...
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