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We need an 'AI generated' choice for flagging answers

I was reviewing some questions and answers and found that one of the answers is obviously generated by a Generative AI like ChatGPT. These kind of AI-generated answers are increasing, so I believe ...
user67275's user avatar
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What flag to use for questions related to 'Hackintosh(s)'

This question was recently asked: This is a question really to do with the Hackintosh community but I am not sure what to flag it as. Hackintosh doesn't ...
Racing121's user avatar
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Can we see the posts we (helpfully) flagged?

When I flag a post and the flag is deemed helpful, the post is usually deleted. For example:
Valmiky Arquissandas's user avatar
5 votes
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Why can't I select any stackExchange site for migration?

It's really bugging me. There's a question that I believe belongs on a stackExchange site which is not included in the list below: Who has created that list anyway? Why can't I see any Search field?
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Under Review mode to show accepted answer along with the question, with 1st new posts, or late answers

More of a suggestion than a question I guess, but so be it. I'm having to constantly Check the entire question when reviewing Late answers or First time new posts. I understand it wouldn't make much ...
Outdated Computer Tech's user avatar
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Flag for "Not an answer" should be re-worded [duplicate]

I flaged this answer as "Not an answer" due to the answer trying to explain product activation, where the question is about the process of performing the install. The description for "Not an answer" ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar
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Would it be possible to have comments that are flagged as offensive, immediately not viewable until they are moderated?

Example: I'm relatively secure in my sexuality, and laughed more than anything. But, maybe it would be a good idea to have anyone with a reputation of over 1K be able to flag offensive content (...
Everett's user avatar
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Specify reason for flagging off topic

When flagging a question as Off Topic I have to hope the the moderator reviewing the flag spots the same problem I do. I'd like to be able to specify a reason for a question being off topic. This way ...
VBwhatnow's user avatar
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When flagging, requested to have link to duplicate

I wanted to flag two of the answers to this question as duplicates of the accepted answer, as they were later, and had less information (and thus serve no purpose). For the flag (can't yet vote to ...
soandos's user avatar
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A flag to inform moderators of questions answered, but not accepted for a long time

For example Why doesn't the Windows command prompt window maximize to the full screen size? Its more than 2 years old It has been answered as well Perhaps there should be a flag to inform ...
Akash's user avatar
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No visible flag flag summary

If a comment flag is the first flag a user has on a site, then even if that flag is marked helpful, it will not show up on the flag summary page. As soon as an another valid (non-comment) flag is ...
soandos's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Increasing number of flags

Would it be possible to keep the same formula that gives more flags before 500 and just carry it forward? I don't think that anyone on SU will hit 100 flags (the current ceiling I think). EDIT: See ...
soandos's user avatar
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Revoking flags and close votes

I'd like to be able to revoke my own flags and close/reopen votes. Since it can take quite a while for question votes to accumulate, the questions often change in the meantime. The same applies to ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
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Request: make spam flagging more descriptive (optional)

I've recently been on a bit of an anti-spam rampage on Super User. Have you posted a plug for a product you work on but haven't been clear about that relationship? Flagged! Are you linking to spammy ...
Gareth's user avatar
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