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3 votes
1 answer

Why did my flag get revised?

My flag got revised; not declined just revised meaning I got 11 flags instead of 10 today. It was on this question for it being about software recommendations; I reflagged it.
marbens's user avatar
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What should happen to a question which the OP realised was not necessary?

I came across this question today, where the OP quickly realised their mistake and stated so in the comments, however they haven't deleted the question and no other action has been taken on it (...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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Flag obsolete question for closing

Yesterday, I posted, and today I found that the problem was due to a ...
Brian's user avatar
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0 votes
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Flag your own question

It's funny that you can not only answer your own question, but also flag it. Why one would do this? Why this possibility exists at all? Is it a joke?
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