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What do the different colours of the comment flag mean?

Why do the comment flags have different colours in the screenshot below? what do they mean/indicate? and why do they change colours when the page is reloaded? The answer is not obvious to me, because ...
xypha's user avatar
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A "not relevant" flag on a comment suggesting a question improvement where the improvement was rolled into the question was declined. Why?

First off, though my search-fu is strong, I haven't been able to discern if declined flag queries belong on child metas or the main meta. I'm trying here first. I just had a "not relevant" flag ...
robinCTS's user avatar
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Why was my comment mod flag declined?

I recently mod-flagged a comment under a question: You haven't mentioned which version of Windows you are running. Have you got Sticky Keys enabled? Importantly, the OP commented immediately ...
TylerH's user avatar
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