Questions tagged [logout]

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Since when are users required to be logged in to ask questions?

A few months ago I asked an anonymous question using an unregistered account on Super User. However I now see a message that you must be logged in to ask a question on Super User. When and why did ...
CPlus's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Why do I have to use a bookmark to logout of SuperUser? [duplicate]

I entered SuperUser via a standard Login. Then I couldn't Logout. There was no button or link to do that. I looked under the StachExchange sign at the upper-left, and all it produced was a message ...
Dick.Guertin's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I sign out from Superuser? [duplicate]

I'm looking for the sign out button here. Where is it? I can't add any more detail. It says I need more in this segment but I don't have anymore detail.
user3677757's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I log out of this site?

I accidentally created a user when trying to log in, and now I can't find how to log out... I can't find a logout button. So how do I log out? Here is some extra text because it won't let me post ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How do I log out of all Stack Exchange accounts at once?

So far I've started using Super User, Stack Overflow, Ask Ubuntu and Photography on the Stack Exchange network. Every time I log into one of them (with Google ID) and go to another one of these four ...
the_midget_17's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What happened to the log out link? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Where is the 'logout' link? Where did the logoff link go on the Stack Overflow sites? I don't see it anymore.
Matthew's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Where is the 'logout' link? [duplicate]

I was on the SuperUser homepage, and noticed that there was no logout link. Came to meta and there's still no logout link. It's now missing on the StackOverflow page too. What's going on?
Nav's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Today, again, for some reason I was logged out of Superuser and, Indeed Meta. I didn't log out! Why am I logged out?

Today, again, for some reason I was logged out of Superuser and, Indeed Meta. I didn't log out! Why am I logged out? This has happened at least twice that I am aware of. Regards,
Xavierjazz's user avatar
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