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-11 votes
1 answer

Should we remove the [android] tag?

Recently there's been some contention regarding whether or not android questions are on-topic. Actually, It seems this topic has come up a lot in the past. As we're on a bit of a tag-cleaning bender, ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Add softwarerecs to vote to migrate option

We should include the Software Recommendations in the "Vote to migrate" menu. There are a lot of SuperUser questions about software recommendations and it'd be good to put an option. Also, a lot of ...
Jon's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Can you add the UNIX&Linux SE to the available migration groups?

Can you add the UNIX&Linux SE to the available migration groups? It has a lot of other groups but in some cases allowing a transfer to that group might be preferable.
mdpc's user avatar
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-9 votes
3 answers

Migrate question from SO?

I think this question should be migrated from SO. They've closed it and it has a TON of exp that could benefit this community. I flagged it and RichB responded, This should not be closed, it ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Add a migration path to Pro Web Masters from Super User

As of now we have 39 questions tagged cms 14 questions tagged joomla 21 questions tagged drupal 22 questions tagged wordpress And the questions on the above and other web master related keep ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Possible to "protest" the transfer of a question to another forum?

I just asked my first question on Super User, and found it to be the most appropriate category among the Stack Exchange sites. However, it was immediately migrated to "Web Applications", an unrelated ...
emf's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Do we want to have an option to migrate to AskUbuntu?

With 3341+ questions tagged ubuntu would this seem a good migration option? The most recent ones are: How can I change my uid without opening another user account? vmware linux headers not found for ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 41.4k
4 votes
2 answers

SuperUser migrated question solution - Check HTTP Referrer

A lot of people have been complaining that they can't read their questions once it's migrated to SU and while I agree that the password is no state secret (it's stated in the blog), most people don't ...
Andrew Moore's user avatar
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