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Questions tagged [migration]

Questions about the migration of posts to another Stack Exchange site

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-5 votes
1 answer

Can you add the UNIX&Linux SE to the available migration groups?

Can you add the UNIX&Linux SE to the available migration groups? It has a lot of other groups but in some cases allowing a transfer to that group might be preferable.
mdpc's user avatar
  • 4,489
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1 answer

Should my question be migrated to Super User or not?

I asked this question. Should it be migrated to this site since it's about drivers and hardware or should it stay on I didn't know where to ask it, I picked a place randomly.
Lynob's user avatar
  • 5,510
2 votes
1 answer

Why do migrated questions earn the poster -2 rep

I was looking at my reputation history and noticed this: It seems a bit unfair to lose rep for a migrated question. Now, I can understand this if you were to get, say, 10 migrated posts in a two week ...
Jon's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to request a migration

I've posted a question on Super User, and later realized it should be migrated to Web Apps Stack Exchange. How can I do this? I've seen other users (with high reputation/privileges) migrate questions ...
dtmland's user avatar
  • 2,883
14 votes
2 answers

Should you answer a question that you know will get closed?

There are questions on SU that are sure to be closed for a variety of reasons. Should you post an answer if you have one? I would think so its OK if you know it will get migrated to another SE site. ...
Keltari's user avatar
  • 74.1k
3 votes
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I need advice on where to move some questions of mine

There are some questions of mine that have received few attention and I'm considering to migrate them to another site (if it's possible to do so), where maybe they are more pertaining and more on-...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

When should a question that otherwise belongs on another site be simply closed and not migrated?

This question was closed as off topic, but was not migrated. I (incorrectly) decided to vote to close and migrate to Stack Overflow, but the question was not migrated for quality reasons. I ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
2 votes
1 answer

Where should I migrate this question about HTTP/HTTPS?

I have a question about HTTP/HTTPS on Superuser. It has not received any answers: SSL / https login issue I was thinking of migrating it to Webmasters, or perhaps IT Security. Which site should I ...
Kevin Fegan's user avatar
  • 4,947
-9 votes
3 answers

Migrate question from SO?

I think this question should be migrated from SO. They've closed it and it has a TON of exp that could benefit this community. I flagged it and RichB responded, This should not be closed, it ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do you have a question migrated?

How do you have a question migrated to another stack exchange site?
Celeritas's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Please be sure of your migrations

This question was migrated to the wrong Stack Exchange site by the Super User community. This isn't the only community mis-migration I have encountered and tried to clean up. I have flagged this for ...
ale's user avatar
  • 3,400
5 votes
1 answer

What are the prerequisites for a question to be transferred over to Super User?

Two questions really: What are the prerequisites for a question to be migrated over to Super User part of Stack Exchange? Why was my question migrated over from Stack Overflow to SuperUser, if the ...
Matt Ridge's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why was a question about SoundCloud moved to Web Applications?

Why was a question asking if there was a stand-alone player for SoundCloud moved to Web Applications? The question has nothing to do with web applications; it's asking about if desktop software ...
Brian's user avatar
  • 352
2 votes
0 answers

Why was this non-programming question migrated from SU to SO? This guy was looking for a way to use a PC to simulate a bad network connection. I provided him with a way to use a ...
Spiff's user avatar
  • 108k
7 votes
3 answers

Request to migrate a question to Raspberry Pi declined

I recently flagged a question to be migrated to Raspberry Pi. Backup data rate on Raspberry Pi maxing out at 5 Mb/s. Why? But it was declined with the following explanation. don't really ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What to do with the [tag:octave] questions?

There are about 19 questions using the octave tag which is a legitimate GNU math based program similar to MATLAB. However, a majority of the questions that I've encountered have been language ...
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.5k
5 votes
1 answer

Question migrated but Stack Overflow user has no Super User profile

I just found this stackoverflow question migrated to superuser: How to switch to user perspective in Blender It's OK so far but I see one little problem: The user has created an account at ...
Kay's user avatar
  • 211
1 vote
0 answers

Should I flag comments left over after migration? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How should I request for comment cleanup on migrated questions? When a question is migrated from another site, I often see comments left over like "this site is for ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
0 votes
1 answer

Inconsistent Mod response to migrating Excel questions between Stack OverFlow & Super User [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should questions be moved to AskDifferent/AskUbuntu/…? When Excel questions at Super User are clearly vba or vbscript related I then will flag them as belonging to ...
brettdj's user avatar
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What is the best way to suggest that questions be migrated to other sites?

For example this question, macbook pro late 2011, mac os x lion 10.7.3, beach ball freezing, could benefit by being migrated to the Apple - Stack Exchange What is the suggested way to do so on ...
MrDaniel's user avatar
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How to decide whether to post on OS X related question on SU or on Apple.SE? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should questions be moved to AskDifferent/AskUbuntu/…? On one hand, my question is only applicable on an Apple device. On the other hand, many such questions seem ...
GJ.'s user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Add Android Enthusiasts to the default migration targets, drop Gaming

As Android devices become more popular, Super User gets more and more off-topic Android questions. To quote our FAQ (emphasis mine): If your question is not about... videogames or consoles ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
6 votes
2 answers

How can I request to move a question to a different Stack Exchange site?

I have a question that would be better off on Stack Overflow, but I asked it here. I've added an edit asking it to be moved, but it's still here. How can I request for it to be moved?
gsgx's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Gaming question - Is this question acceptable on SuperUser?

I posted the following question on the Gaming site: Topic was closed and I guess deemed off topic, even ...
White Phoenix's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Can we educate users to stop adding "Belongs on xyz.SE!" comments without further explanation?

Similarly to people telling the OP to ask their question on Apple.SE, even if it's on topic here on SU, I think that there's a general problem with comments like the following: This should be on ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
4 votes
2 answers

Are consumer features of fingerprint biometric scanners on-topic?

My question about fingerprint biometric scanner was migrated to IT Security. I think I made it clear that the question is about consumer features of these devices, e.g. speed of detection, reliability,...
haimg's user avatar
  • 23k
5 votes
1 answer

Can I migrate a question from SuperUser to StackOverflow myself?

I asked a question on SU and it became obvious to me that it was a programming issue (of mine) and not a SuperUser issue. I added some more info, along with comments for the people who had responded -...
rossmcm's user avatar
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How can I move a question to another SE site that isn't on this list?

I see I can flag my own question and click as off-topic to be able to move it to another site but I only see a few sites in the list: In my case, I want to move a question from Super User to the ...
leora's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I comment on answers to my own question?

Several months ago I was using this site to ask people and I got 90% good answers. In the past I could write a comment about their answers, but now I cannot see comment button. I can just answer ...
Fanar ALHAYALI's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Flagging Questions as off-topic

When flagging questions as off-topic, and we are given options to choose a site it should go to... What determines that list? For example, if I see a question on SU that I think should belong on the ...
wizlog's user avatar
  • 13.5k
26 votes
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Is it okay to inform users to stop promoting Apple.SE when a question is fine to stay here?

Now that we see a quite large amount of OS X Lion questions here on Super User, I've seen people telling the OP to go to ask on Ask Different. Of course, the folks at Ask Different want their site ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
15 votes
1 answer

Mysterious question migrated 12 times

I just navigated to SU and saw this: The four five twelve questions are exactly the same; they have the same answers, comments and the same question, just different ID numbers. I suppose this isn't ...
squircle's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Migrating questions to the Ubuntu or Linux/Unix Stack Exchange sites

I just realised that there are Stack Exchange sites for Ubuntu and Linux/Unix. Why aren't all the Linux/Unix/Debian etc questions on Super User getting migrated there?
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
0 votes
2 answers

Why do comments usually get removed from Questions?

For what reasons do comments usually get removed from questions? What is meant by channel id > 100 in 802.11? I just disagree with this question being moved from Security.SE to Super User. Doesn'...
WalterJ89's user avatar
  • 248
3 votes
1 answer

Edit tags on migrated question

This question has been migrated to Stack Overflow (you'll probably have to search on [macro] to see the stub), and now because of the bad decision to link it directly to that question on SO, it can't ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why can't we flag as "off topic" for other SE sites?

When we flag as "Off-topic" and suggest another SE site, we can only choose from a couple options. I've been in the situation where I want to flag a post as Android or iDevice, but can't select these ...
nopcorn's user avatar
  • 16.9k
8 votes
1 answer

Migrated question showing wrong account as asker

This question was asked on SU, then migrated to MSU. The question says that the asker is the user who actually answered the question before it was migrated. The actual asker is no longer shown, and ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
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Did I ask about Adobe Acrobat here in error?

I am wondering if anyone can help me (perhaps by migration?) find an answer to the question I posed a little over a week ago? It involves changing an Adobe Acrobat pre-packaged template for PDF ...
mfg's user avatar
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Inappropriate migration to SF?

This question was migrated to SF a bit ago: Suspicious redirection to russian pages. Is government spying us? After being received by us, it was quickly closed as being off-topic (I would have ...
EEAA's user avatar
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7 votes
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Question migrated to other stackexchange site displays full name

I registered with my Gmail account and prefer to go by my initials. I recently had a Q moved to the Apple sister site and it automatically displayed my full name. Is there a way to prevent this ...
mbb's user avatar
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25 votes
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Migrating Android questions

Thank you for migrating questions about Android devices to Android Enthusiasts. I know they're off-topic here and we're happy to help folks at the site dedicated to the devices. However... Please be ...
ale's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What to do with questions that are duplicate on other SE site?

So, this question got my attention, there's an exact duplicate on SF that has already been answered. Migrating it to SF would probably get it closed there as exact duplicate. Should we just close it ...
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k
-4 votes
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Please save this useful question

my question was migrated from stackoverflow A Google approach to email I think its a really good question "Does Gmail show real data or is it fake or prediction?" and it might be useful for other ...
IAdapter's user avatar
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3 votes
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Consider migrating all questions tagged Android to android SE

There are a few dozen questions in Super User tagged android. Most of these have been closed as off-topic. They should be migrated to the relevant SE.
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Moderators deleting comments?

Whenever a SO question is migrated, it has a few comments that say "Belongs on SU" or the like. This confuses the heck out of me because when I read a question, I read the question, then the comments,...
digitxp's user avatar
  • 14.7k
3 votes
1 answer

WordPress software questions on SuperUser.

I have recently had a question regarding my WordPress based blog closed. The closing comment says, "Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware ...
ProfK's user avatar
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19 votes
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Please don't migrate game recommendations to Gaming

Hi Super Users! I'm Grace Note from Gaming, here to make a polite request. A finalized ruling has been made. While I don't know if you even got any during the decision period after my request, I ...
Grace Note's user avatar
  • 181
4 votes
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How Do I Reclaim a Migrated Question?

If I asked a question on ServerFault but it was closed there and moved to SU, how do I claim the newly migrated question? The specific question is Laptop Display Goes Blank
Benny's user avatar
  • 197
10 votes
2 answers

Add a migration path to Pro Web Masters from Super User

As of now we have 39 questions tagged cms 14 questions tagged joomla 21 questions tagged drupal 22 questions tagged wordpress And the questions on the above and other web master related keep ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
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3 answers

Possible to "protest" the transfer of a question to another forum?

I just asked my first question on Super User, and found it to be the most appropriate category among the Stack Exchange sites. However, it was immediately migrated to "Web Applications", an unrelated ...
emf's user avatar
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