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Questions tagged [moderator-elections]

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No upvoting on comments on elections page

I noticed that there is no upvoting in the comments on the moderator elections page. Is this something that was left out on purpose, or just something that is not implemented.
pulsejet's user avatar
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What is the order of candidates in 2014 moderator election?

Within the election process a set of candidates is presented to vote for: SuperUser candidates tab. What is the order choosen to present all the candidates?
athena's user avatar
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Show more details about a Moderator candidate during elections

THE SUGGESTION: For Elections, allow the user to view a specific candidate and see things such as... How many of my own questions has this candidate answered ? How have I rated this candidate's ...
User.1's user avatar
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Why is Helpful flag count in moderator election different from my profile

I did happen to find that Is there any particular reason why the flag counter on my moderator election nomination is different from what the flag counter on my profile says? has an answer that states ...
Malachi's user avatar
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Is there any particular reason why the flag counter on my moderator election nomination is different from what the flag counter on my profile says?

The flag counter on my moderator nomination states that I have 364 helpful flags (as of the instant this question was posted). However, the counter on my user profile states that I have 535 helpful ...
gparyani's user avatar
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SU About page has 4 mods elected in 2011, the Election page shows 3

At the bottom of the Super User About page, it shows that four moderators were elected in the 2011 Community Moderator Elections (Sathya, DMA57361, nhinkle, & studiohack). However, on the ...
studiohack's user avatar
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Moderator election vote counts aren't showing up for me

When I click a candidate's score in the moderator election primary, I see this: This happens for every candidate on SU, but does not affect SO, regardless of whether or how I've voted on a particular ...
Pops's user avatar
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